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Adventure site reopening pre-check

PPE Inspection before adventure site reopening begins

So leisure tourism is allowed to resume! I am sure that everyone is excited to get back out in nature where we belong.

We know you will be busy with lots of inspections and new protocols to keep everyone safe so here is a quick reminder to do a thorough PPE inspection with specific attention to corrosion.

Everything has been left standing in a store room or out in the elements where subtle corrosion can occur. We recommend you do a thorough inspection of your PPE and ropes course before resuming commercial operations.

For PPE go to the manufacturers website and follow their inspection guide. Inspect all metal parts, webbing and stitching for signs of wear and corrosion. If you are not sure, check with the local distributor as they often liaise with the manufacturer and can help guide you. Alternatively you can get an outside specialist to come in and inspect your equipment for you.

For your ropes course you need to go through your entire course. Check all the attachments, safety systems, cables, platforms, breaking systems, support structures and ropes. This needs to be quite thorough so take your time and make sure your course is up to standard.

Reiterate your safety protocols to your staff as they may have forgotten some of the procedures during the long break. This is especially important for the rescue procedures as they may just need to practice it so they are up to date.

Please see an example of a PPE inspection sheet below with what you need to look for. Each manufacturer has their own requirements so we suggest you go to your manufacturers website and download their inspection sheets.

Stay safe and happy adventuring!

Useful Links:

Procedures and evidence sheets for PPE inspection: here

Example of harness inspection procedure: PDF here

Examples of failed harness inspection: PDF here

Please note that this is a recommendation of best practice and VSS  cannot be held liable for any advice given.

Author: Darren Erasmus

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